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On land

Make your event or party topic of the town. Invite a real mermaid and create a magical aura to your day. Perla will take photos, talk to people or she will gladly join and celebrate the birthday of your princess or pirate. Perla will come to your home, or wherever you invite her. Meeting a mermaid is a magical experience for children and adults alike.



  • Program: Mermaid party, book reading - for small children, competitions and games, DIYs and coloring pages, photoshoot with a mermaid, tattoo from a mermaid  (if asked for)

  • letter from a mermaid - a thank you for inviting me to the party for your little one (if asked for)

  • present for the Birthday girl/boy, and other small treasures for all the kids, everyone gets something to take home 

  • Treasure box: a box full of shells, corals, and magical objects Perla found on the bottom of the ocean, she will happily tell you about them


  • Perla needs to know how many children will be at the party and first names (especially birthday girl/boy), and who can't have their photos taken

  • there must be parent/ adult always present

Other events:

You don't have a pool at your event or wedding, but you still want to meet a mermaid? Awesome, Perla will happily talk to your guests about life underwater, take photos with them, hand out welcome drinks, and seat them... 

Ostatné Informácie:

  • Tento druh vystúpenia je primárne o komunikácii s deťmi. Perla odpovedá na ich otázky, rozpráva o živote pod vodou - ekológii. Má podmorské poklady (mušle, korále...), ktoré deťom ukazuje. Každé dieťa dostane malý darček a možnosť odfotiť sa. 

  • Perla potrebuje vyhradený priestor na prezliekanie - bez zvedavých detských očí :)

* Medzi jednotlivými vystúpeniami by mala byť prestávka

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