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Perla Mareena
Nov 3, 20232 min read
20 Interesting Facts That You Didn't Know About Jellyfish
Today is World Jellyfish Day. Jellyfish are fascinating creatures that have roamed the oceans for millions of years.
Perla Mareena
Aug 3, 20233 min read
The wonders of seagrass in the Mediterranean
With its turquoise waters and picturesque coastline, the Mediterranean Sea is an ideal destination for summer holidaymakers. But did you...
Perla Mareena
Mar 22, 20232 min read
World Water Day
Svetový deň vody je každoročné podujatie, ktoré sa oslavuje 22. marca, teda dnes. Je to deň určený na upriamenie pozornosti sveta na význam
Perla Mareena
Jun 7, 20223 min read
You can help the oceans too, and yes, even if you live far away
Can we help our oceans even if we live far away from the ocean? Does this concern us at all? The answer is simple. Yes and unequivocally yes
Perla Mareena
May 4, 20222 min read
I've become a 4Ocean ambassador
4Ocean is an organization that is actively helping the global plastic crisis.
Perla Mareena
Mar 5, 20222 min read
3 easy steps to zero waste bathroom + a bonus tip
Those are only three of many steps you can take to help our planet and feel amazing.
Perla Mareena
Jul 14, 20215 min read
Why are sharks so important and how can we help them?
Many people think that the main and (perhaps) the only role of sharks is to maintain balance in the food chain, the truth is different....
Perla Mareena
Jul 13, 20213 min read
Top 12 most known shark species
The 14th of July is Shark Awareness Day. I love sharks, and I think, this topic should be known by everyone. This week, I will (also on...
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